Pets can have a lot of the same health issues that people do. They can range from being just a minor convenience to being life-threatening. However, many of these issues can be treated quickly by being watchful of your pet and following some simple nutritional rules which will provide you with detailed information concerning what human food your dogs can have in their regimen. Here are some of the most important health concerns for pet owners to watch for.
Your pet might be considered obese and not even know it. This can be caused by eating too much food or not getting enough exercise. Obese pets tend to not live as long, and they can develop debilitating health issues. Fortunately, obesity is avoidable. A few extra pounds can make it difficult for your pet to get around. Because of this, you need to be mindful of what you are feeding him, and you need to make sure that you are allowing him plenty of time to run around and get out some of his energy.
While older pets are more prone to arthritis, dogs of any age can develop it. If your pet is having difficulty getting around or can’t seem to get up from lying down as easily as he used to before, he may be dealing with arthritis. Unfortunately, it can’t be cured. However, there are ways to get joint pain relief for dogs, cats, and other common pets. Your veterinarian can develop a treatment plan and discuss ways that you can alleviate their symptoms.
Keeping fleas from becoming a plague for pets is something every pet owner will need to consider. There are several options for preemptive flea protection for dogs and cats. These treatments essentially make it impossible for fleas to set up shop for an extended period of time. However, these treatments need to be done on a regular basis or your pet will become vulnerable to a flea infestation.
Untreated diabetes can be deadly for your pet. There are numerous symptoms that can alert you to something being wrong. Your pet may be excessively thirsty, have appetite changes or vomit often. If diabetes goes untreated, he may develop cataracts or urinary tract infections. Diabetes can be reversed if it is treated properly. If your pet develops diabetes, he may need insulin injections and a diet that is high in fiber in order to become healthy again.
Kennel Cough
This type of upper respiratory issue can happen to any dog. This infection is easily spread between dogs that are within close proximity to one another. Symptoms include a runny nose, watery eyes, loss of appetite, lack of energy and a cough. There are vaccines available to prevent this type of illness from occurring. If your pet catches kennel cough, it can be treated with medications. You should also keep him away from other dogs so that he doesn’t spread it. Your dog will need a lot of rest until he fully recovers.
While seeing worms in your pet’s feces can be rather alarming, it is an issue that affects many pets. Other symptoms include diarrhea, lethargy, weight loss, and a swollen stomach. Your veterinarian can prescribe a medication to kill the worms. You will also need to take your pet for fecal checks to ensure that the medication has eliminated all of them. Worms will not go away on their own, and you need to have your pet treated promptly.
In conclusion, pets may face some sort of ailment during their life. Fortunately, many of them are treatable. The health concerns mentioned above are common, and pet owners should be on the look-out for them. To be completely covered, you should definitely consider a pet plan like Bivvy. If you notice that your pet is acting differently even if they have no other symptoms, you should take them to the veterinarian. This will allow them to examine your pet and determine if they are suffering from a health issue.
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