What I Found
I stopped in at our local Saver’s last week to see if they had anything good. I usually only find stuff for my kid’s but I was so excited to find something for myself! I found this Gap Cardigan {I’m obsessed with cardigans!!} in perfect condition and an Old Navy tank top BRAND NEW.
What I Paid
The Gap cardigan was only $5.99 and the Old Navy tank top was BRAND NEW for $4.99! SCORE!
Share YOUR Thrift Store Finds!
Every Thursday, Alissa from Fun Finds for Families, Crystal from Surviving a Teacher’s Salary and myself will be showing off our favorite thrift store finds! We would LOVE for you to link up with your own finds too! If you’re not a blogger, you can upload your picture to the Sippy Cup Mom Facebook page so we can see what you found!
Wow, great finds! I love the Gap Cardigan and it looks fantastic on you!
I love thrifting! we have habitat, rescue and goodwill stores all near us and in nearby towns. You never know what you will find, last week I found a pair of black corduroy banana republic pants.
Finding new items when thrifting feels like such a coup. I feel like the golden age of thrifting is far behind us, though, what with eBay and its ilk.
I love thrifting and I love finding a good deal! Totally inspiring me to go out this weekend and find some steals of my own!
Awesome! Finding new stuff at thrift stores is the best, especially ones that are so cute!! Love your new outfit!
Aww! You looks so cute! Great finds. I never find stuff my size at thrift stores.
I didn’t even know we had a Savers locally. I have heard a lot about them. Guess I will have to make my way out there one day now. 🙂
i love going thrift shopping!!!! I usually go for the furniture, since you cant find anymore real wood pieces. Find some really cheap stuff, and yeah def on the clothes you can find some really good stuff.
I love that cardigan. I love finding new items in the thrift stores!
I am a thrift store addict and in fact I rarely if ever buy new besides under clothes. I havent bought jeans or outerwear for years for full price.