I received product and compensation from Mead Johnson Nutrition and Playtex Baby to create this post written by All experiences and opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of Mead Johnson Nutrition nor Playtex Baby. For questions about Enfamil NeuroPro, you can contact Mead Johnson Nutrition at 1-800-BABY-123 (1-800-222-9123). For questions about Nurser bottles with Drop-Ins liners, you can contact Playtex Baby at 1-888-310-4290.
Last September, my niece Ava was born and our whole family was so excited! My twins were already 5 years old and I sure missed that snuggly baby stage. The girls were anticipating the arrival of Ava and ever since she was born, they just can’t get enough of her. I’m lucky enough that I’m able to watch her one day a week. I get that baby time and the girls have loved bonding with their little cousin.
My sister-in-law is a single mom and she is doing an amazing job. I know it can’t be easy to drop your child off every day and head to work. I remember when Hayden was a baby – I would cry on the drive to work because all I wanted to do was be home with him. It can be SO hard getting through that first year with baby but I hope my sister-in-law knows that Ava is getting the very best care from family as we watch her. Here are some tips that I like to give moms for getting through baby’s first year!
Tips for Baby’s First Year
For some reason, when I had my son I didn’t want to ask for help at all. I was determined to do it all myself like I’d win some award or something. I rarely asked for outside help (oh, I asked my husband for help!) and I remember how hard that was. When it came time for my twins to be born, I let anyone who wanted to help come over! That first year can be rough even if you’re not a first-time mom, so make sure to ask for help!
There’s been times that I thought I was taking too many photos or sharing too much about my twins during their first year but I don’t regret it at all. They are 5 years old now and there’s been a few times recently where I have gone back and read the blog posts I wrote about their first year. I love seeing all of the photos of them as babies and I laugh at some of the stories and milestones that I’ve totally forgotten about! Document it all because that first year is going to go by so fast.
We all know that babies can be expensive. I remember adding up how many diapers I changed that first year with Olivia and Evie and then figuring out how much I spent on diapers. Yikes! That’s why it’s so important to look for some deals to save money on baby essentials. That’s why when I shop at Walmart, I’m not only looking for deals for my kiddos but also for Ava. That’s where I scored the Starter Set and ™ for my niece!
While supplies last, moms can purchase Enfamil® NeuroPro and Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners at Walmart and save . To redeem the offer, download the Ibotta app, scan your receipt with both items, and save! I love being able to score a deal on baby stuff!
I remember all of the anxiety when it came time to transition my son from breast to bottle. I was sure that it was going to be a hard time and I read up on it as much as I could. I made sure to have my husband give him that first bottle while I stayed in the other room. I researched what would be the best bottle for him that would be similar to breastfeeding. My sister-in-law tried a few bottles with Ava as she adjusted from being away from Mom and we found we love the Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners.
The Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners bottles are made to work like mom which makes them perfect for caregivers. They are closer to breastfeeding than other bottle systems and the Naturalatch nipple helps make it an easy switch between bottle and breast.
And remember how much of a pain it is to wash baby bottles? That was one thing I didn’t like doing when my kids were babies but the Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners use a pre-sterilized liners that easily drop in AND guarantee a clean bottle every time.
Fed is Best
With all three of my kids, I did a combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding. I know that when it comes to formula feeding, you want to make sure you’re giving your child the very best. That is why I’m so excited to share with you more about Enfamil NeuroPro™.
Enfamil® NeuroPro™ has brain-building nutrition inspired by breast milk. It is the first formula that has an MFGM & DHA blend for brain-building benefits similar to those of breast milk.*
MFGM has been clinically shown to help close the cognitive development gap between formula-fed and breastfed infants
And DHA is a fatty acid shown to foster learning ability through the preschool years.
Cognitive development is so important – it’s how babies learn, acquire knowledge and interact with others and their environment. Making sure that baby starts with the very best from birth is so important and that’s why I love Enfamil NeuroPro™.
Visit to join and request a free sample.
*benefits may vary
What are some of your tips for baby’s first year?
*In amounts supported by clinical research. As measured by Bayley cognitive scores.
** As measured by Bayley-III cognitive score at 12 months in a different formula with MFGM added as an ingredient.
This is sponsored by Enfamil® Neuro Pro and Playtex Baby™ Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners.
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