When summer arrives, it means swimming pools, the smell of cut grass, and a constant in and out from kids who are off of school. For many moms, this can be extremely frustrating. Each time the door is opened – and left open – you see dollar signs flying out the door as your home’s cooled air escapes.
Even if the door is regularly shut and managed, the hotter weather puts a strain on any home’s electrical system. The good news is, there are some steps that all moms can take to help reduce electrical costs during the summer and ensure their kids have a great time while off from school.
Turn Off the AC When It’s Not Needed
Turning off your home’s air conditioner while everyone is asleep, or while you take the kids to the pool, can result in huge savings according to https://texaselectricityplans.com/. Even if you don’t want to turn the system off completely, just adjusting the temperature before you leave the house by turning it up a few degrees can help you save money.
During the summer, you should avoid setting your thermostat lower than 78 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. For each degree you turn the thermostat up, you can save four to eight percent in total cooling costs.
Use a Smart or Programmable Thermostat
A programmable or smart thermostat is an extremely energy-efficient tool. It lets you program the hours you will be home, and when the house is going to remain vacant. You can also set when you are sleeping.
By doing this, the thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature inside your home based on the settings you have selected. This removes the need to constantly adjust your thermostat and have to come home to an extremely hot and uncomfortable house.
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Install Energy Star Rated Appliances
Energy Star is a rating given to certain appliances that have met requirements set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These requirements state that a product has to meet specific and often rigorous energy-efficiency guidelines that the government has created. The goal of these requirements is to help reduce greenhouse emissions.
For example, Energy Star rated air conditioners use approximately 15 percent less energy than models that aren’t certified. While 15 percent may not sound like that much, it could result in savings of around $85 over the life of the unit. As a mom, you understand how important it is to make every penny count.
Check for Proper Insulation in Your Home
Usually, this is something you are going to want to leave to the professionals. However, if there is a leak in your insulation, or if some is missing in certain areas, it can lead to higher than normal energy costs.
You can reduce the flow of the air that is leaking in or out of your home by checking and fixing any issues with the insulation. This is an extremely cost-effective way for you to reduce your cooling costs and to help and maximize the functioning of your air condition system.
Are You Ready for Summer Fun and Energy Savings?
There’s no question that spending time with your kids next to the pool is a great way to spend your summer. However, if your home is hemorrhaging money in regard to energy costs, it’s time for you to find a way to stop this by, for instance, using solar blanketfor your pool. As a mom, you are accustomed to solving sometimes difficult challenges. This means you should be ready to meet this problem head on, especially when you are armed with the tips found here.
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