When it comes to looking after your body, you might immediately think of diets and exercise regimes. While these things are important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it can be easy to forget about other essentials like your eyes. A healthy diet will promote good eye health, but there are other things you need to watch out for if you want your vision to stay at its best for as long as possible, and here are a few tips to help you out.
Go for Eye Tests
Just like seeing your dentist or doctor for check-ups are beneficial for oral and general health, having eye tests every few years can help to protect your eyes. Even if you haven’t noticed any particular issue, you might be surprised to learn that your eyes have been struggling and that you need glasses to read, drive, or work at a computer. It is recommended that people between 20 and 40 should have an eye test every one or two years, and perhaps once a year for those who are older than 40. If you already wear glasses or have had issues with your eyes, you should have these tests more often.
Protect Your Eyes from the Sun
You should always avoid looking directly into the sunlight, but even the glare from windows, bodies of water, and even road surfaces can lead to damage if you’re not careful. Whether it’s summer or winter, you should make sure you have the right accessories to help protect your eyes from UV rays on the brighter days. Sunglasses are perfect for this, and you can get prescriptions if you need to. Alternatively, you can look into getting UV contact lenses if you would prefer. Sunhats can also help to keep the light off of your face and away from your eyes, which can protect your skin from getting damaged, too.
Reduce Screen Time Where Possible
In the digital age, it’s hard to imagine being able to avoid a screen for an entire day, but you should try to reduce the amount of time you spend staring at one. The light from computers, phones, and TV screens can make your eyes tired and strained more than you realize, particularly if you look closely at them. You can get blue light glasses that don’t require a prescription to help reduce the glare from screens if you do spend a lot of time looking at them, but it will be better for your eyes and mind if you can unplug more often, too.
Don’t Ignore Problems with Your Vision
If you notice that your vision is becoming blurry, you’re seeing double, or you are experiencing headaches more frequently than usual or tired and irritated eyes, don’t ignore this. These are common indications that your eyes are strained and likely need attention, and the longer you leave them unchecked, the worse these conditions will get. If it turns out there are no problems with your vision, you should see your usual doctor to rule out any other potential health issues that may be the cause.
If you want to take care of your eyes more effectively, remember these tips to help protect them and maintain good vision.
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