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Potty training one toddler can be tough – I remember the struggle of potty training my son and we didn’t get him fully trained until he was almost 4. I thought that for sure the girls would be easier to train even though I’d be potty training two at the same time. I forgot how stubborn my girls could be. Olivia and Evie will be 4 in a few months and we are still getting the hang of potty training down. Below are some of my tips for potty training twins.
Wait Until They Are Ready
This is good advice for when you’re potty training one child but it also goes for when you’re potty training both. Even though they are twins and do a lot of things at the same time, wait until they are ready. In my case, I decided that I wanted to potty train BOTH at the same time and I pushed it. I realized quickly that one of my girls wasn’t ready yet while the other was. If one is ready, definitely continue. It’s good for them to see what their sibling is doing and might encourage them to start as well.
Buy Two Potty Chairs
At first, I thought I would just buy one potty chair for them to share but I’m glad I changed my mind. I bought two pink potty chairs and even though they are completely identical, the girls KNOW which one is theirs. In addition to a potty insert on our toilet, I also have the two potty chairs for them to sit in. So when it comes to potty training twins – buy two seats!
I’m all about bribery when it comes to potty training. I stocked up on stickers, suckers, small toys and more. When it came to them actually siting on the potty for me, they got a small sticker (make sure to praise even the smallest achievements!) and when they actually went then they got a bigger reward or a sucker.
Shed the Clothes
This is easier in the warmer months but during potty training, I covered the couches in towels and let the girls wear underwear. Since we have hardwood floors, it was okay if they made a mess. Then, I just let them lounge around and play in their undies.
Communication is Key
I feel like I’m always asking them if they need to go. Pretty much every 20-30 minutes, I would ask them if they need to sit on the potty. Communication is key when potty training. Let them watch you go potty, tell them what you are doing and explain what is happening to them when they sit on the potty!
Stock Up on Cottonelle®
You’ll be using lots of toilet paper when it comes to potty training twins. Make sure to stock up on ! You’ll be changing the roll less because there’s more inside than meets the eye! Each Mega Roll holds 4 rolls in 1 – talk about less hassle, saving money and one mega convenience!
Check out more in the video below!
Stay tuned to the Cottonelle® Facebook page and YouTube Channel for more great tips and tricks!
Disclosure:I was selected for this opportunity and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Elena says
These are great tips. Thanks for sharing
shelly peterson says
I have never had to potty train twins but this is really great info!