Welcome to Week 59 of Toddler Talk Thursday!
Where Family and Life in Las Vegas, Crazy about my Baybah, and My Life as a Sippy Cup Mom talk all things TODDLER!!
** If you want to follow this on twitter – or plan on tweeting your post – please use hashtag: #letstalktoddler **
Toddler Talk Thursday was created as a place for moms and dads of toddlers to come together over a weekly topic and share ideas, go-to toys, or products. It is a great way to meet other parents of toddlers. Each week the topic will be different; we invite you to link up, share your weekly Toddler Talk!!
Each week the hosts will travel around to each blog to see what topic your suggest for the following week. If we choose your topic – you will be our featured blog.
Keep the GREAT suggestions coming. We have an on-going list we will choose from each week. Some topics are ones we have done in the past – but that doesn’t mean we won’t revisit them!!
In order to qualify for this you need to blog about this week’s topic, and follow the hosts. Please do not link up past posts or non-toddler talk posts.
And the end of your post – suggest a topic for next week.
Comments letting us know you are participating are always great too. If we choose your blog, we will link back to your post the following week.
This week’s topic is: How do you help your toddler stay healthy during cold and flu season?
This is the first cold and flu season that Hayden will be in preschool. He already always gets sick during winter and since starting school in August he has been sick twice. Last week he was so sick we had to visit the doctor and have breathing treatments.
Even though Hayden has already received his flu shot, I’m already dreading him getting sick even more this cold and flu season.
Here are a few things that we already do year round, but I’m going to make sure we are doing even more!
1. Wash Hands! At school, they have sinks right as you walk in. We make sure to wash our hands right away. I know that he washes his hands in the classroom too. We also have a stepstool in our bathroom so he can easily wash his hands himself.
2. Cover your mouth! We are still working on this, but I’m making sure that Hayden covers his mouth when he coughs or sneezes. It’s an ongoing learning process! 😉
3. Staying in. Sometimes during the winter, it’s just fun to hibernate and stay in and rest.
How do you help your toddler stay healthy during cold and flu season?
Link Up Suggestions:
1. We ask that you follow all three hosts.That way you can keep up to date on future Toddler Talks.
2. Please grab the Toddler Talk Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
Have Fun!
Please – Before you Link up – This is NOT A BLOG HOP!! IT IS A MEME FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS OF TODDLERS. If you aren’t going to post specific to this weeks topic, then don’t link up.
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