Welcome to the fifth week of Toddler Talk Thursday, where Family and Life in Las Vegas, Crazy about my Baybah, and My Life as a Sippy Cup Mom Talk all things Toddler!
Toddler Talk Thursday was created as a place for moms and dads of toddlers to come together over a weekly topic and share ideas, go-to toys, or products.
It is a great way to meet other bloggers of toddlers.
Each week the topic will be different; we invite you to link up, share your weekly Toddler Talk!!
Each week the hosts will travel around to each blog that links up, and pick an idea, story, or picture they think was a great example of that weeks topic. In order to qualify for this you need to blog about this week’s topic, and follow the hosts. Comments letting us know you are participating are always great too. If we choose your blog, we will link back to your post the following week.
My highlight from last week is The Adventures of Ryan! I love the picture of Ryan sitting on his Sit n Spin watching his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
This week’s topic is : Music
Hayden LOVES music and he is always singing. He catches on to song so quickly it seems and he will just walk around the house singing “Twinkle Twinkle”, “ABC’s” and “Row Row Row Your Boat”.
He also loves to DANCE to music.
He is a big fan of Laurie Berkner’s music. We first discovered her music while watching Jack’s Big Music Show.
I have episodes saved on our DVR so we can out on her videos and the theme song of Jack’s Big Music show so he can get down and boogie.
We listen to some old nursery rhyme songs in the car. I never realized some of the lyrics to them until Hayden was in the car trying to sing along “cut off their tails with a carver’s knife….” from Three Blind Mice. Oh my.
We cleared out our dining room so it’s completely empty and Hayden has taken it over as his own personal dance floor. He loves to dance to the Phineas and Ferb theme song over and over again (Luckily, I downloaded all the Phineas and Ferb songs to my iPhone!) and he grabs my hand and has me dance with him!
I will try and get some video of him dancing up! Everything I have isn’t the best quality!
What is your Toddler’s favorite music?
Link Up Suggestions:
1. We ask that you follow all three hosts. That way you can keep up to date on future Toddler Talks.
2. Please grab the Toddler Talk Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
3. Stop in to other blogs that are linking up.
Leave a meaningful comment if you visit, and follow if you would like.
This link up is for families that have toddlers. Raising a toddler can be fun, crazy, exciting, and exhausting. Sharing what works for you could give other families another way to do things.
Have Fun!
Next weeks theme is traveling tips with a toddler!
That is so awesome that he grabs your hand to dance!! You should just post the video, who cares about the quality:)
And-So true, I think some nursery rhymes are kind of creepy.
Hi, I am a new follower and love the new blog hop. I have a toddler but he doesn't dance with me. He grabs my hand or my husbands to force us to take him outside on a walk though. Kids are so cute.
Yay, it's so great to see our kids dancing!
Baby Songs videos were always the biggest hits over anything else!