Welcome to Week 62 of Toddler Talk Thursday! Where Family and Life in Las Vegas, Crazy about my Baybah, and My Life as a Sippy Cup Mom talk all things TODDLER!!
** If you want to follow this on twitter – or plan on tweeting your post – please use hashtag: #letstalktoddler **
Each week the hosts will travel around to each blog to see what topic your suggest for the following week. If we choose your topic – you will be our featured blog.
Keep the GREAT suggestions coming. We have an on-going list we will choose from each week. Some topics are ones we have done in the past – but that doesn’t mean we won’t revisit them!!
In order to qualify for this you need to blog about this week’s topic, and follow the hosts.
And the end of your post – suggest a topic for next week.
Comments letting us know you are participating are always great too. If we choose your blog, we will link back to your post the following week.
Terrible Two’s? What’s that? When Hayden was two, that was a piece of cake! It should be called the Terribly Horrific, I need a glass of wine Threes.
Now that Hayden is three, he definitely has a mind of his own. He is constantly sharing his opinions with me, good or bad. While that is wonderful, it also means that if anything doesn’t go his way (in home or in public) he will let me know by having a good ol’ tantrum!
The first thing I do when trying to handle a temper tantrum is calm him down and tell him why he cant do that or can’t have that. Now that he is getting older, he is starting to understand more about WHY. If that doesn’t work, I always try distraction. Distraction works for us about 95% of the time, whether it be a toy or my iPhone.
Link Up Suggestions:
1. We ask that you follow all three hosts.That way you can keep up to date on future Toddler Talks.
2. Please grab the Toddler Talk Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
3. Stop in to other blogs that are linking up.Leave a meaningful comment if you visit, and follow if you would like.
get the InLinkz code
We are taking next week off! Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your toddlers!
Gobble Gobble!
Please – Before you Link up – This is NOT A BLOG HOP!! IT IS A MEME FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS OF TODDLERS. If you aren’t going to post specific to this weeks topic, then don’t link up.
My 18 month old daughter throws self-destructive temper tantrums. In other words, she slams her head into something, whether it be the dishwasher, the walls, or the floor. I’ve tried several different things to stop this from happening, including holding her, which only causes her to try and hit me. What seems to work is a good ‘ole timeout. When I notice one coming on, either because I’ve told her no, or I’ve taken something away from her, I tell her “No fits”. If she continues I put her in her pack-and-play and leave the room until she calms down. She can’t really hurt herself in there, all she can do is throw herself against the netting on the inside. It usually takes about 2 minutes, and then she’s ready to talk. I then tell her why she got a timeout. The next time I sense a fit coming on I say “No fits, or you’re going to get a timeout”, and believe or not this will sometimes end the argument.