Welcome to week 26 of Toddler Talk Thursday! Where Family and Life in Las Vegas, Crazy about my Baybah, and My Life as a Sippy Cup Mom Talk all things Toddler!
Each week the hosts will travel around to each blog that links up, and pick an idea, story, or picture they think was a great example of that weeks topic. In order to qualify for this you need to blog about this week’s topic, and follow the hosts. Comments letting us know you are participating are always great too. If we choose your blog, we will link back to your post the following week.
This week’s topic is :
Write a Letter to your Toddler as they are Today.
Dear Hayden,
Well, today was a rough day! You were scheduled to have eye surgery and we were not to be at the hospital until 11:45. Breakfast is your biggest meal of the day and we were not allowed to let you eat!
You woke up at 7am of course and I had to do my best at distracting you! We watched a movie, you took a bath and then we went for a drive!
When you got to the hospital you had no idea what was going to happen! All you wanted to do was run around, look at the fishies and ride around in a wagon.
We were then able to back to a room where they checked your vitals and changed you into a hospital gown. We put on Phineas and Ferb so you were happy. We talked to lots of doctors and nurses and decided to give you some special fruit juice that would calm you down and make you sleepy.
It didn’t really work because when it was time for you to go to surgery you climbed out of the bed and yelled for me and your Dada. The doctor was kind enough to let me walk and hold you to the surgery doors but then I had to hand you over to her so she could carry you. The saddest thing was watching you look back at us, not crying but wondering why you were leaving us!
Daddy and I waited with your Grandma’s and ate some lunch (we waited to eat because we didn’t want to eat in front of you!) and talked about you the whole time!
About an hour later the doctor came in to tell us that the surgery was over and you had done great! He told us what to expect and said we would be able to see you soon! Another 20 minutes later and the phone in your room rang! We were able to head back to recovery to see you!.
We started back there and we could hear you crying. The kind nurse was holding you and trying to calm you down. I was able to hold you right away and try and get you to go back to sleep. The nurse told us you had taken 30 minutes to wake up and you wanted the IV out of your hand! You also kept rubbing your eyes but we had to stop you.
You were so tired and so uncomfortable. You wanted to lay on my chest but couldn’t get in the right position. We headed back to your room where it was dark and tried to get you to sleep. You were finally able to sleep in your Daddy’s arms for about an hour.
We switched off then and I got into the bed and held you on my chest. I was able to hold you for about 3 hours while you slept and I may have even fell asleep also. It was the best thing being able to hold you so close for so long.
It was finally time for you to wake up and you were THIRSTY! You wanted cup after cup of apple juice! You asked for crackers and yogurt and toast. The nice nurse brought you some animal crackers but we had to wait until we got home for your toast and yogurt.
We were then able to get you dressed and take you home! The light was sensitive to your eyes so you covered your eyes with your lovey. We got you to the car and you fell asleep on the way home. They told us you would be tired.
When you got home you wanted FOOD! You had yogurt, toast, waffles, cheerios and juice!
Then you snuggled up on the couch and watched Chip and Dale until you told me you were ready for Night-Night! We got you in your pajamas, put some ointment in your eyes (which you did not like!) and got you into bed with your Pillow Pets, your Cozy Blanket and Lovey!
It was a rough day but you are a fighter and got through it!
We love you!
Love, Mama and Dada
Next weeks Topic is:
Let’s get ready for spring!!
Your favorite outdoor activity!
Link Up Suggestions:
1. We ask that you follow all three hosts.That way you can keep up to date on future Toddler Talks.
2. Please grab the Toddler Talk Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
He is such a strong little boy. I am so happy that everything went well, and hope he has a speedy recovery! He looks so cute riding around in the wagon:)
Am glad that everything went well….Hope he recovers soon!!
I am such a space case! I totally forgot to ask how today went! SO glad to hear it went well. Snuggle time is the best. Sometimes only mama can make things all better. Get Well soon Handsome Hayden!!
I am glad everything went well. He is such a brave little boy. Hoping for a speedy recovery!!
Awwww…so glad everything went well! What a tough day for everyone, though! Is he back to his normal self today? What a nice letter to have for him later to capture these big moments. I’ve often heard about my surgery, but never the details of the day, since it was so long ago. Nice to have!
SO happy to hear his surgery went well, and he is recovery well!!
oh my gosh this made me cry! im so glad that everything went well. he’s a tough little guy!!
That just made me so sad! I’m happy that he’s over it and home again!
This brought tears to my eyes. It took me back to when Kanin had mouth surgery at 4. I remember him waking up in the recovery room and crying. I was sitting right out in the hallway waiting on them to come and get me. After about 5 minutes, and no one coming, I just walked back there myself and grabbed him. They told me that it was the anesthesia that made them cry. I was a wreck!
I cried reading this. So glad he is ok. but reading about him crying for you before going in for surgery broke my heart. As a mom I know it had to be so hard to let him go. And then to walk in after the surgery and to hear him crying again. MANY hugs to you guys.