Today’s healthcare facilities are starting to understand more about patient history and how it can impact their care, and they are starting to learn techniques to help patients who are struggling with anything, whether that’s making it in to an appointment or getting certain procedures done. One of the ways healthcare facilities can help patients is through using trauma-informed care. This benefits everyone and can make healthcare services more accessible for all.
Taking Trauma Into Account
Trauma is pervasive and it’s not possible to tell if someone has experienced trauma in their life. When someone seeks orange county mental health treatment, there should be a presumption that the person has suffered trauma in their life, even if they don’t realize it, and that it has contributed to their mental health state. By presuming there has been trauma, healthcare facilities can take a gentler approach, preventing retraumatization when the patient seeks help.
A Presumption of Trauma
The presumption of trauma means that healthcare facilities assume that patients have had something traumatic in their past – they don’t have to ask about it. Many people experience trauma on different levels and may not realize it has impacted them as much as it does. When someone seeks help for mental health issues, it is crucial to get to the bottom of the issue and work together with the patient moving forward. By presuming the patient has been through a traumatic event in their life, caregivers can start working on the care the patient needs with that in mind.
Know What Causes Trauma
Any event can cause trauma to a person depending on how they perceive it, and violent or life-changing events can cause PTSD. Trauma doesn’t have to impact a person’s whole life to impact them in a healthcare setting, though, and someone who may not have PTSD can still have trauma in their past that can impact their mental health or their ability to receive healthcare services. It is crucial for healthcare providers to understand that trauma can be caused by almost anything and the impact the trauma will have can vary from person to person significantly.
Benefits of Trauma-informed Care for Patients
It is easy for patients to feel retraumatized in healthcare settings, and they may not even realize what’s wrong. Trauma-informed care operates under the presumption of trauma, allowing healthcare facilities to operate in a way that’s more likely to minimize the potential for retraumatization. Patients can receive the help they need without experiencing the trauma again and can ensure they are able to get all the healthcare they need. No matter the type of healthcare facility or the procedures that need to be done, this can help patients move forward caring for their health without worry.
While a lot is known about mental health, there are new breakthroughs every day. Today, healthcare facilities are learning that many patients they see may have some trauma in their past and that it may impact their ability to receive healthcare services. By using trauma-informed care, even if the healthcare facility doesn’t know or understand the traumatic event that happened, they can help the patient and prevent the patient from feeling traumatized again during visits. Any patients who need extra help can work with facilities that offer trauma-informed care to receive the healthcare they need.
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