I instantly fell in love with a sweet, shabby-chic looking pillowcase I found at a flea market. It was crisp white and had the most lovely crochet trim! I practically skipped home to show my little girl and tell her my exciting plans to fashion her the most beautiful pillowcase dress! It’s funny how kids make no bones about saying exactly what’s on their minds. Imagine my surprise to learn that pillowcase dresses were only for an age group much younger than her very grown up 5 years: “It’s for the little girls. The ribbons on the shoulders would be too weird anyway, Mom”. Okay… on top of the pile of scraps my beloved pillowcase went. And then about a week ago I pulled it back out and started thinking…
Here is all you need:
- Pillowcase
- 1/2″ elastic
- Scissors
- Sewing Machine
- Thread
And away we go:
- Cut open the end of the pillowcase opposite the opening.
- Fold the pillowcase into itself taking the raw edge you just cut and fold it into the tube. It is very important that you make sure it is the length that you want the finished skirt from hem to waist. Measure the sides to ensure that you have it folded evenly.You should end up with it looking like this:
- Pin the top crease so as to keep the length consistent all the way around the skirt. This will just serve as a guide for you.
- Measure, cut and sew your elastic into a loop the size of the recipient’s waist.
- This is the most tricky part: take the loop you made of elastic and put it under the top piece of pillowcase, but over the part of the pillowcase that is folded inside. Make sure you have the elastic flush with the pins. The pillowcase should end up being gathered a bit.
- Pin the fabric below the elastic around what will be the waistband. You should be creating a tunnel where the elastic will be. It’s important to not pin the elastic itself-make sure it is able to move freely. You can take out the the initial line of pins that gave you the guide for the waistline.
- Run a seam where the pins are-don’t sew your elastic!
- Finish the raw edge that should now be the lining of your skirt. I chose to leave it long as the skirt was white and could use the extra layer.
- And there you have it! It can be a bed linen OR an adorable wardrobe piece!
Sooooo cute!
awesome! totally bookmarking this as my daughter has reached that age as well.
Beautiful! What a great idea. I want one in my size! You do awesome work Natalie!
I love this!!! Thanks for the great how-to!
I love this idea. I wish I had a sewing machine. I keep thinking about getting one and taking the lessons they offer at the store by my house but I never have time and money at the same time. But I may need to send this to my aunt who does sew and have a sewing machine. 🙂
Shanan (new follower)
Hi, I enjoyed your article and stumbled, have a nice day.
Amee at http://www.madamedeals.com
Thanks, everyone! It was really easy! Try it and let me know how it turns out!
I absolutely LOVE this idea. I will definitely be on the lookout for awesome pillowcases!
My daughter is normally a dress girl, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a skirt now and then.
Thanks for the great idea!!
Thanks for your comment! I hope your daughter loves it-it’s really too easy to make! I have no idea why it took me so long to come up w/ it! 🙂
So pretty. I’m a vintage linens person and this would be a cute project to get some of my stash actually worked up into something!
Thanks for sharing!