I’ve had my Xoom for a few months now and received my Droid Bionic last month.
Having been on almost all of the different phone carrier networks, I was excited to see how the Verizon network would be.
My family has been using the AT&T network for the past few years and at times it can be definitely frustrating. Even living in St. Louis, it seems that my house is a dead spot. Dropped calls and trouble not getting a signal is a regular in not only our household, but when we are out and about in St. Louis.
Last month, there was a blogging conference in St. Louis called Show Me the Blog. I had a fantastic time and was able to reconnect with another blogger, Liz from a belle, a bean & a chicago dog who is actually currently living in Memphis, Tn. She asked me if I was having trouble getting a connection in downtown St. Louis and I jokingly asked if she had AT&T. Not to my surprise, she did! I told her it could be hard to get a connection down here and I would have trouble trying to tweet, update a Facebook status or even check my email while in downtown St. Louis.
That conversation brought back the memory of earlier this year, when we were attending Opening Day for the St. Louis Cardinals at Busch Stadium.
While attending an event like that, I wanted to tweet, Facebook and share photos on Instagram. To my dismay, I could not connect at all. It was even hard to text message my babysitter to see how my son was doing. I had to leave my seats to get a signal.
I even received this text message from a family member while at the game in March.
Sure, there were 40,000 people at Busch Stadium that day and when it’s an event like that, I’m sure that networks can get overloaded. But we couldn’t get anything.
A few weeks ago we attended another game at Busch Stadium, during the St. Louis Cardinals playoffs. I brought my Droid Bionic with me, while my husband brought his iPhone.
Now, I know that while using my Droid Bionic, I’m in the hands of Verizon Wireless’ Lightning Fast 4G Speed. But while sitting in my seats, taking pictures with my 8MP camera on my Droid, I was able to tweet that I was at the game, share photos of the stadium on Facebook and text to see how Hayden was doing. My husband next to me? Nada. The people behind us who were not on Verizon’s network? Nothing!
I’m telling you, people were very jealous of my phone!
So, you’re probably wondering, what exactly is 4G LTE?
Forget minutes. With Verizon’s 4G LTE speed, you can access things in seconds. 4G is a technology that will give you speeds up to 10x faster than 3G.
With 4G speed, I can download a song within 4 seconds. I can catch up on an episode of How I Met Your Mother with no lag time or buffering.
It’s simply amazing!
Disclosure: I received products from Verizon Wireless as part of the Midwest Moms program. All thoughts, opinions and experiences are my own and not the opinion of anyone else.
Good to know! I’m ready to upgrade my phone (and Hubs too) and from what I hear, Verizon is getting better coverage in my area these days (it used to be that only AT&T had full coverage in my neck of the woods and why I never switched). I love the idea that I have the freedom to choose now! :>