With so many medications and pills in the world, wouldn’t it be great if you found something that was natural and yet beneficial in treating: diarrhea, urinary tract infections, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, eczema and even regular old allergies? I think so! Probiotics have also been found helpful in aiding digestion and the absorbing of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
But first off, what are probiotics?
Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. The word ‘probiotic’ means ‘for life,’ and healthcare providers understand that basic principle. Probiotics have been proven to be beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea, urinary tract infections, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, eczema and allergies, among other ills. Many physicians are also recommending probiotics to restore the gut microflora after use of antibiotics.
So which probiotic do you choose?
Vidazorb probiotics are calorie-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, chewable and doesn’t require refrigeration as many on the market do! From the website:
Vidazorb® founder Frank Hodal spent seven years developing the highest-quality chewable probiotics on the market today. Manufactured in an FDA approved facility to the most exacting standards, Vidazorb® was formulated to be safe and effective for a wide variety of digestive issues and consumer preferences. From children to the elderly, Celiac sufferers and vegans – Vidazorb® chewable probiotics are a convenient option for all ages and lifestyles.
My family was sent the Vidazorb +OPC, Super C and Plus to review. The instructions say to take one chewable tablet three times a day preferably with meals. At first this was hard to remember, but when I started feeling the benefits of the probiotics-it was actually quite easy! I don’t have any of the major conditions (besides seasonal allergies) listed at the beginning of the post, but ever since the birth of my first baby, my stomach has been what you would call “weak” or queasy. Different foods would set my symptoms off-or too much of anything. But with the Vidazorb-I could pretty much eat what I wanted! My symptoms have lessened by leaps and bounds and I no longer fear cheese pizza or the like!
All three come in bottles of 90 tablets. The Plus has a delicious vanilla flavor, the +OPC pomegranate and the Super C are Orange Pineapple. If you will be taking anything as often as three times a day, you want it to be as tasty as possible, right? The are not chalky or too large. The fact that they do not require refrigeration means you can just put a couple in your purse and go! I would highly recommend Vidazorb!
You can purchase these Vidazorb products online and be sure to follow Vidazorb on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/vidazorb.probiotic, Twitter at https://twitter.com/bellytweet/ and be sure to sign up for the Vidazorb newsletter!
Disclosure: I was sent the above products to facilitate my review. All opinions are honest and my own.
I like that it helps with irritable bowel syndrome.
New research suggests that probiotics have a tangible effect on improving human metabolism. – That sounds great, I have a terrible metabolism!
This would so help my Mom who suffers from IBS.
LOVE that they are gluten free!
We love probiotics!!!
We make our own kefier!
They are sugar free
Probiotic bacteria are essential for digestion, absorption and assimilation.
November is American Diabetes Month
I love that it is gluten free.
they are gluten free