In 2016, one of the most successful animated franchises in the world returns with its biggest comedy adventure yet,KUNG FU PANDA 3. When Po’s long-lost panda father suddenly reappears, the reunited duo travels to a secret panda paradise to meet scores of hilarious new panda characters. But when the supernatural villain Kai begins to sweep across China defeating all the kung fu masters, Po must do the impossible — learn to train a village full of his fun-loving, clumsy brethren to become the ultimate band of Kung Fu Pandas!
Ah, we are so excited for this movie! My son is a huge fan of the Kung Fu Panda movies and I know he is going to love this one. I can’t wait for you to check out the trailer below and see what you think.
This is going to be such a fun movie for the whole family! But the fun doesn’t end with the movie.
Enjoy these exclusive Kung Fu Panda coloring pages, connect the dots and other fun printables!
Party Pack Activities
Characters Coloring Pages
Connect the Dots
Spot the difference Panda Pool and Face To Face
Tigress Paper Toy
3D Po
Tigress Mask and Po Mask
I Spy: Po
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