We all want to bring as much as we can with us when we travel. Unfortunately, many of us take this too far and end up getting items that we don’t need! Don’t let this happen to you. These are the top things you should reconsider when traveling:
Don’t Pack A Laptop Unless You’re Working.
Many of us feel attached to our computers more than anything else. They’re how we work, how we can get entertainment, and even how we connect with loved ones and family. Avoid taking this device with you, though! Laptops are expensive to replace; if anything happens to yours, you might be facing a large bill to have to get a new one. Laptops are one of the most commonly stolen things and one of the items that can go missing from luggage most often. Don’t let this happen to you.
Full-Sized Body Wash or Shampoo
You may think that this is more reasonable than packing the tiny to-go containers of body wash or shampoo: but it’s not. Large containers of liquid like this can be a hazard to your luggage and the luggage surrounding it. Although you can store these types of bottles in plastic bags to try and fight the risk: there’s still a chance these will leak. So instead, try to use smaller containers, wait until you arrive at your destination, and then purchase items that you can use instead.
Expensive Goods You Can’t Replace
Showing off a beautiful watch or necklace that costs more than apartments in Lincoln, NE may be tempting, but leave these at home. Don’t travel with anything you can’t afford to lose. If your luggage goes missing or someone decides to steal them from you, you won’t be able to replace many of these beautiful items for cheap. This is even more important with family heirlooms or other important, older pieces that have been in the family for years.
More Than One Pair of Shoes
Although you may think you need tons of shoes to complete every look, you should never have more than two pairs with you on vacation. This means one pair to wear and another in your luggage for later. These pairs could be flip-flops for the beach, and sneakers or dress shoes for meals- or boots for hiking and having fun. Shoes are heavy, take up a lot of space, and can go missing if you don’t keep track of your luggage at all times.
Your Pets
Although many people love to travel with their animals, it’s not always the best choice. Travel can stress out your animal and possibly even lead to health complications or death. The chance of serious complications is higher if your pet has to be put in a carrier under deck with checked luggage, as there’s a long history of animal illness being brought on from being stored there for even short flights. Don’t risk your pup or cat’s health so that they can see the inside of a hotel with you; let them stay home and be pampered by a pet sitter instead.
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