Recently our good friend’s 2 year old broke his leg and foot! They came to us for advice since back in February Hayden broke his foot and had to wear a cast for 2 weeks.
I thought I’d share our experience especially because 6 months later we have an appointment Monday afternoon for a checkup since Hayden still occasionally limps and walks with his foot inward.
Hayden’s birthday party was to be on Saturday January 30th and we were planning on leaving for Disney World a couple days after that. The Thursday before the birthday party we were at Walmart, getting an oil change. We let Hayden run around the Toy Department while waiting. That’s when we noticed that he was walking funny. It seemed that his right foot was turned in and he was limping. He didn’t complain about it though.
When we got home he still was walking funny so I put a call into his doctor. They didn’t call back until around 5pm and told us we should head up to the Emergency Room just in case.
When we arrived at the Pediatric Emergency Room, they were able to see us right away. They looked over Hayden and decided that he needed an X-ray. Only one of us was allowed to go with him, so of course I went.
It was so hard watching him have an x-ray. I couldn’t hold him because they wanted me to be shielded. Luckily, the technicians were great with him and very gentle. He actually laid pretty still which was very surprising.
Back to the room where he was getting very antsy. We brought him books and toys and turned on cartoons but all he wanted to do was run around! The doctor game back and told us that his foot was fractured and it was actually a week old! I was pretty upset that my baby had been walking around with a fractured foot and had no clue. The doctor reassured me though that with the way toddler’s bones are it is hard to know because it doesn’t really hurt them. Hayden hadn’t even been complaining or in pain!
She asked us some follow up questions about the last week and we told her how the previous week Hayden had been to the doctor with a 103 temperature. She was concerned about an infection, so she wanted to draw blood. She called in a nurse to do it. Hayden was so strong the nurse had to call in 2 extra nurses plus Heath and I to hold him down!
They told us they had never had a toddler that strong!
I knew Hayden was even more antsy and getting hungry so the nurses let me put him in a wagon and go get some food. He LOVED that and all the people loved seeing him!
Thankfully the blood tests came back fine so they decided to put a splint on him and told us to call a pediatric ortho in the morning to see if he needed a cast. The doctor called the nurse in to do the splint. The nurse laughed and called the other two in to help. That was another ordeal!
The next morning I called the Children’s Hospital and they had me leave a message and told me they’d get back to me. Hayden had already ripped off the splint so I did not want to wait any longer. I called his pedi and explained what had happened and asked for a referral to a pediatric orthopedist. They gave me a number and when I called they told me to come in right away!
We drove straight the office and met with a super nice nurse and orthopedist. After looking at Hayden’s x-rays the doctor said he really did need a cast. I definitely agreed and then brought up that we were supposed to leave for Disney World the next week and did he think we should cancel?
The doctor laughed and said absolutely not! He put Hayden in a walking waterproof cast and said he would have no problems with it. Putting on the cast was hard because he didn’t want to sit still (of course!) and he didn’t like what they were doing to them. They were super quick putting it on and it only took a about 5 minutes total.
After it was done I put Hayden on the ground and he was off running into the waiting room to see the “fishies”. He did not let that cast slow him down. That made me a feel a little bit better about going to Disney World.
He had a fantastic time at his birthday party and an even better time at Disney World! He ran around, went on all the rides, met the characters and even had them sign his cast (which we got to keep!).
Hayden at his Birthday Party
Green Army Man signing his cast
Mickey and Minnie signing Hayden’s cast
Goofy signing Hayden’s cast
Poor little thing. I be he felt extra special having the characters sign his cast! I hope things go well at his appointment tomorrow.
I got the .com from blogger. It is still so new, I really do not even know how things are going to go. I am nervous!!
Oh no! I hope your check up goes alright, and it's just part of the healing process!
Seems like Hayden was a total trooper about it! Good luck at the doctor!
Did you ever find out what was the cause of the break? I am so glad that it didn't phase him but I am sure you made up for that. 😉
I think it is awesome that you still went to Disney World and that everyone signed his cast!
Poor guy! That picture in the wagon is really cute though, he doesn't look bothered one bit. I have to ask the same question Michelle did, though: did you ever come up with what might have caused the fracture or when it happened? Not that it matters, of course.
Really cute that all the Disney characters signed the cast though, what a fun souvenir!
Poor Hayden. I'm sure it wasn't easy keeping him off that foot for two weeks. But wow–all the celebrity signatures! 😉
Well, sounds like Hayden was a trooper! Hope the little guy is okay and that his checkup goes well 🙂
Oh poor thing! I hope the doctors appointment goes well.
He was such a trooper! That was a pretty cool souvenir-having his cast signed by all the characters. I hope his appointment went well.
How cool is that to have a cast signed by everyone. My friends daughter broke her wrist last year and didn't even cry, just said that her wrist hurt alittle. Kids can be funny!
What a great memory for him. It's not everyday a cast gets signed by Disney characters!
Wow! That is so awesome…not about his poor little foot but the fact that all of the Disney characters signed his cast. Such a strong big boy!
Aw, poor thing. I am glad it that he was never in pain. I love that all the characters signed his cast. What special memories!!
Poor baby. He is still such a ham – I love him in the wagon.
You are such a good mama!
What a trooper! Hugs to your little one.
Your post made me feel better! My 2 yr old slipped and fell on the floor yesterday with screaming pain. We took her to the ER and sure enough she had a fracture. She is in splint right now and will need to take her to the ortho soon. Mine has something against hospitals and doctors and cried so bad that I felt terrible. Knowing that the cast would let her walk makes me feel better.
My grandson also broke his foot , his cast was removed on Wednesday there , but he his now walking on his heel , we took him to A&E and doctor said “it’s stiff” and that was all he said , I’m worried , any advice???