Shopping around for auto insurance is a good idea if you want to find a better deal. Most Canadian auto owners do it at renewal time, and some even keep looking for better options throughout the year. You can compare your existing policy to other insurers and request new quotes when you feel you are paying too much. It enables you to keep your coverage up-to-date and get the best customer service. But switching to a new provider does not always make sense, specifically if you are happy with your current one. Here are some reasons to stick with your auto insurance company for the long haul.
You feel comfortable with your agent
Collaborating with the same provider for the long term is a good idea because you tend to feel comfortable with your agent. They know you well and have better options and suggestions. For example, they can request bundling up your auto insurance with home insurance if you buy a new house at some point. Moreover, they can guide you about the ways to save on your policy down the line by adding new safety features to your vehicle. If you are happy with your policy and share a good rapport with your agent, there is no reason to switch to another insurance company. The best part is that you can save the effort of searching for a credible provider in your area.
You can secure loyalty benefits
Staying with the same provider for several years gets you loyalty benefits and discounts that can save you a lot. A history of on-time premium payments and no claims get you a step further with these benefits. Most providers in Ontario offer discounts for long-term clients. It makes sense to Get a quote for Auto Insurance in Ontario Today from your existing insurance company first. If it seems viable enough, you can go ahead with renewal without spending time and effort on getting and comparing more quotes. You have good chances of availing of the benefit of lower rates with your lower risk profile. Even just sticking around helps.
You save up on cancellation fees
Finding a better deal elsewhere is enticing, and you may want to switch even before the renewal date. But it is the best thing to do because you may have to pay cancellation fees for closing an existing policy before its end. A provider may charge a flat cost or a percentage of the remaining insurance. You must check the policy documents and go through its terms and conditions before going ahead. If you have to pay more for canceling the policy mid-term than actual savings, it is better to continue. A little research takes you a step ahead with savings.
Apart from these factors, there is always a chance that you may ditch the deadline and end up without a policy when you focus a lot on shopping and comparing. Staying with your provider prevents potential lapses in coverage. As long as you are with a reliable insurance company that offers an optimal policy price, you need not stress about switching.
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