Are you a small business owner? Then you probably feel like you’re at a disadvantage most of the time. You’ve got a lot of competition out there, and trying to make your voice heard within your market often takes more money than you’ve got. What are you supposed to do to bring customers your way? Invest in marketing that actually works for you. Yes, small businesses can have wildly successful marketing campaigns! And if you don’t quite believe us, here’s why.
A More Involved Marketing Funnel
It’s common for all businesses to use a marketing funnel, but a small business can benefit the most from it. Why? Because you can get more involved at each stage of the process. From the first stage of awareness right down to the final stage of action, you can be there along the customer’s journey.
Help them make their decision to buy through answering their questions and making them aware you’re always here to lend a hand. You can even reach out directly to them, if they give you permission to do so, such as through an email newsletter or through leaving you a comment on social media.
A Fresh Approach to Social Media
Speaking of, a small business’ social media strategy can bring in immense results. After all, you’re not stuck in a brand box and have to do the same thing over and over again. This variance is something customers really respond to and it’s not something you should be afraid of trying.
After all, your marketing is more concentrated and exciting, and it’s far easier to build a community with just how responsive you can be! They won’t leave a comment and hear nothing back – you’ll leave them a like and a response, which can seal the deal when they’re already interested.
As long as you maintain the same brand tone of voice throughout, you’re going to be recognisable to the people who follow you.
A Stronger Content Marketing Presence
Most small businesses have a blog. That’s because the person running the business tends to be more passionate about what they do, so they write up a lot more content for their customer base to use. And this strategy always works!
The internet is made up of content. Some good, some bad, some amazing, some we’d prefer to do without. If you can offer content that’s better to read through than the next business over, people are going to come to you instead. They then can rely on your ability to deliver in this manner; you make being online a little more enjoyable.
Small businesses can make their marketing campaigns work for them. All you need to do is focus on what sets you apart as the business you are. Your size can be a strength, and it’s not something customers are going to blame you for. Create a product they want and incredible content to sell it and you’ll achieve your goals time and time again.
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