You’ve developed a sound business plan for your company. You’ve crossed all of your T’s and dotted all the I’s and, finally, it’s up and going. You have a website, an online store, and are now working on getting the brick and mortar part of your small business running the way you want it to be.
I’ve had so many mom friends who have jumped on their dreams of creating their own business! Many of them are focused on creating products, attracting customers, and planning that first big opening day that they forget the simple things, such as what type of water heater they need to have installed in their brick and mortar location. The days when you had no choice of the type of water heater you installed are long gone, and the question of “do tankless water heaters save money for my business” is more popular than you might have imagined.
The answer to that question differs from business to business. However, there are a few concrete reasons that you should have a tankless water heater installed in your place of business. You can find those reasons below.
Saves You Money in the Long Run
There is concrete evidence out there that tankless water heaters save home and business owners quite a bit of money in the long run. The initial price is more expensive but, in the long run, studies show that you will save, on average, over $108 a year in your average business. While that might not seem like a lot, in the beginning, it will certainly add up over time, and you can use that extra money to market your business instead. That makes it more worth it for me!
Consumes Less Energy
According to the energy experts, having a 80 Gallon Water Heater in your home or business consumes much less energy than traditional water heaters do. On average, energy consumption is said to be 24 to 40% less, meaning you are helping with energy usage across the planet as well.
You Business will be doing its Part to be Eco-Friendly
There are quite a few ways that you can go green with your new business. Having a tankless water heater installed is one of the best. If you are looking for a way to reduce your business’s carbon footprint and save the earth for the future of the children, then this is a great way to start. It’s not only going to cost you less money in the long run, it’s also energy efficient, and green as well, what more could you ask for, when starting out in a new business.
Tankless has a Much Longer Lifespan
One of the smartest reasons to go tankless is that these water heaters have a lifespan of more than 20 years if taken care of properly. They also usually come with a warranty of 10 to 15 years, just in case the worst should happen. This will be an even greater benefit if you decide to sell your brick and mortar business in the future, as you will certainly get a better price with a tankless water heater included in the deal. Going tankless for your business is a win-win for everyone concerned, don’t you think?
These are just a few of the top reasons that installing a tankless water heater in your new brick and mortar business makes good common and good financial sense. From being energy-efficient to saving you money in the end, and from being eco-friendly to being a sound choice, it just doesn’t make sense to go the old-fashioned water heater route, now does it?
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