My good friend Lauren from Crazy About My Baybah is one of 5 finalists in the running to become a Mamavation Mom – something so important to her and that I know she deserves!
You can read about why Lolo wants to become a Mamavation Mom and then you can go to Mamavation and vote for @MyBaybah to be the next Mamavation Mom!
To thank you for your tweets, facebook posts, votes, and support LoLo has a fun giveaway for you and we are helping to spread the word on why she should be the next Mamavation Mom!
Grand prize: $50 Walmart Giftcard (Snail Mailed to winner)
2nd prize: $25 Amazon Giftcard (Snail Mailed to winner)
Enter and good luck!
You are awesome Melissa. Thank you so much! You are such a wonderful friend!