82% of women say they would rather do all of their family’s grocery shopping than go to the doctor*. Are you one of those women? I know that I am. Especially being a mom, it’s hard to prioritize and get myself to the doctor. I have no problem moving my whole life around to get my kids into the doctor but when it comes to me, it’s not the same. But it has to stop – all of us women should be prioritizing our health!
The older I get, the more I’ve started thinking about prioritizing my health. I’ve had a few scares in the last year which has confirmed my belief even more about taking care of myself. Below are some health and fitness tips to help you start prioritizing your health!
Start Exercising
Trust me, I hate going to the gym. But when I do, it’s amazing how good I feel. I get massive amounts of energy and just feel good about myself! If you find it hard to get to a gym, try walking in your neighborhood with your kids after dinner or going for a walk on a trail with a friend. Any kind of movement is good for your body so if you have to start small like I did, that’s okay!
Drink Water
Eeek, water. I used to be addicted to soda – like most definitely addicted because when I stopped I had headaches, shakes and was so grumpy. I switched to mainly just drinking water – trying to get more than 80 ounces a day in and I can tell a difference. When I drink all of my water, it fills me up, gives me energy and even seems to make my skin clearer. If you aren’t a fan of the taste, try putting some lemon or lime slices in it – my favorite!
Eliminate Stress
I know, I know – it’s easier said than done. But we all know how stress affects us both physically and mentally. It’s important to find something that gives you a little “me time”. For me, it’s locking myself in my bedroom catching up on an episode of Grey’s Anatomy or reading a book. Maybe yours is getting a run in or crafting. Whatever it is, find it and do it!
Also, as women we take far too much on. Learn how to say no! This has been my year of no and while I felt bad at first, I don’t feel bad anymore since I’ve gotten so much of my life back and gotten rid of some stress!
Get Some Sleep
I don’t know about you but when I don’t get enough sleep it really effects my health. I can get snappy at people or it can make me drink more caffeine (which really isn’t good for you!). Getting a good night sleep is so important for your health and I’ve been trying to overhaul my bedtime routine. I used to stay up late to get work done online or read a book, but not anymore. About 2 hours before bedtime, I stop drinking any water and I put my phone on night shift. Then when it comes to 9:30-10pm, I’m in bed and out like a light until morning!
Attend a “Support Her Health” Screening at Sam’s Club
If you’re looking for an easy way to take charge of your health, attend a “Support Her Health” screening at Sam’s Club this Saturday, October 8th from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You can check the Sam’s Club locator to find a location near you – the screenings will be taking place at all locations with a pharmacy.
The screening will be available for both Sam’s Club members and the public. Tests include:
- Total cholesterol
- HDL (good cholesterol)
- Blood pressure
- Body fat percentage
- Glucose
- Vision (not available at all locations)
- Hearing (not available at all locations)
Attend a “Support Her Health” screening at Sam’s Club and make sure to bring another woman in your life with you – it’s free and it might help them start prioritizing their health! I’ll definitely be attending one at my local Sam’s Club!
* Sam’s Club, US Survey, Toluna Analytics, May 30-June 1, 2016, n=1012 (495 women)
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Sam’s Club but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
I am definitely one of those moms. I really need to drink more water and get more sleep too.
Sam’s Club is really doing a great thing by having this healthy screening. It is so important to have this to find out what a person might need to know for their health care. I have gone to one of these before and got great information.
My biggest thing is do I clean, prepare meals, run errands, or go to the gym, it always seems like there is something else that needs to be done. So the gym gets put on the back burner, again.
Sadly us moms get so busy a lot of things for “us” get put on the back burner. But our health is very important. Thanks for the great tips.
I am one of those moms. I need more sleep
These are all great tips for a healthier lifestyle! Water makes my body feel good and so refreshed.