You know you’re a Mom when…
-You have to pack up and leave a restaurant because your toddler is having the mother of all tantrums.
-Your toddler pulls down his pants in a store and instead of being horrified you pull out your camera to get a picture of the cuteness.
-You refer to yourself as a GoogleHead and can’t get the song out of your head.
-You forfeit your delicious bagel and cream cheese because your toddler “wants eat now”.
-You sniff your toddler’s butt to see if he is the one who went in a room full of kids.
-You let your sick, snot covered toddler give you kisses on your face when he is sick, because you can’t resist kisses from your toddler even if they are snot covered and sick!
Yep, yep, yep!! And yep to snot kisses, as gross as they are, because kisses are still kisses and I never pass them up!
Cute!!! Is this your own little 'theme'? I draw the line at snot-nosed kisses…I've been way too OCD over the last few years…
Jamie- Not just me! 🙂 I found it over at Natalie's blog (comment above you!) and at!
My husband won't except those kind of kisses either, he's the same way!
Everything you wrote is so true and funny 🙂
Cute picture.
I agree with all of these. And with snot nose kisses, you know you are going to end with the cold, which you do but you always take those kisses! I can't even begin how many times I have skipped breakfast and ate cold dinners because she was hungry that minute.
I left something for you over on my blog!
Definitely good ones…I often find that I give away all the food on my plate because the kiddos want it.
We LOVE that Googleheads video!
You are right. kisses are kisses and you gotta take what you can get.
tantrums in restaurants…no fun!
I'm totally with you on the pulling out the camera instead of correcting behavior!
Love this post!! I am right there with you! 🙂